Daily WOD

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, October 6th

Jenn C. is running in an event this weekend, it is a charity event to raise money for a non for profit private school that teaches children whom are undergoing chemo therapy.
A very good cause.
So if you would like to help Jenn reach her goal to help these kids with cancer go to school here is the info to give a little.

To my Family and Friends,

As some of you may know, I am honored to be a part of Team YOLO (You Only Live Once).  Over the past 5 years the team has grown from 3 to 70 members!  We are a  group of Long Island women who raise money for The Morgan Center (TMC).  TMC is a not for profit preschool located in Hicksville for children undergoing chemo therapy treatments.  It happens to be the ONLY free pre-school in the US that is dedicated to educating children who are undergoing cancer treatment.
Visiting TMC makes myself and my teammates aware that tucking our healthy children to sleep at night is a gift.  That our hectic lives full activities are merely recreation.  It makes us thankful for what we have and it empowers us to be strong and give strong.
We will be running the Hoboken City Challenge Race this Saturday, October 7th!   Our goal is to raise $65,000 by the race and we have about $25,000 to go!
Please visit www.yolostrong.com or https://www.crowdrise.com/yolostrong2017/fundraiser/danielletaylor to support our team and find out more information about Team YOLO and TMC.  Also, please feel free to forward or share this information.  All money will pay for children’s tuition and help provide these children (and their parents) with a sense of normalcy, and joy, when things aren’t so normal.
I thank you, my team members thank you, and the staff, parents and children of TMC thank you!
All my best,
Jenn xoxo

“Snatch Test”
This test is given to all Men and Women trying to become Certified in a true Kettlebell Cert like Strongfirst for example
It is also given to a lot of military and police to prove a strength test.
How do we do it?
You have a kettle bell 55 for Men and 35 for Women, you have 5 minutes to complete 100 Reps total.
Full range is required start in a swing position (not from the floor) and flip at the top with a locked out elbow and fist pointing up to the sky.  If you don’t finish 100 reps in 5 minutes depending on the group you are performing for this may equal death or another group may be a So lenient.
If you would like to do something else You can try and find out if you can do 100 calories on the Bike or Rower in 5 minutes .


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 burpee box jump-overs
3 deadlifts
6 burpee box jump-overs
6 deadlifts
9 burpee box jump-overs
9 deadlifts

Men use 24-in. box and deadlift 225 lb.
Women use 20-in. box and deadlift 155 lb.

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, October 6th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 5th

Today is Day 5 of the Lunge / Push up Challenge.  I know after those F’n Wall Balls it’s hard to get through the Lunges, even only 25 of them.  At least for me anyway.
Try and keep up with the challenge, remember what your legs and Ass are gonna look like after day 100!

So, the weather is starting to change and were gonna be wearing some warm clothes soon.
The original sweatshirts we got years ago are the best fucking sweatshirts ever!
So, being that they are not on the site to order I’ll be placing an order by the end of the month.
The sweatshirts on the website are not nearly as thick as the ones I am ordering.
I’ll have the ones we are ordering on most of the time so you can check them out.
If you want one let me know, text me or write it down on the sheet at the gym I’ll be making a list and placing the order by November 1st.

Kipping pull ups /  Muscle Ups / Handstand Push ups
Pick one or another that you are trying to work on and lets work the shit out of it till you get it.
You know I don’t give up until you get the movement so this will take as long as we need!


100 Double Unders
10 HandStand Push Ups
50 Good Mornings @45/15
50 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Push Press @50/30
50 GHD sit ups
50 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Push Press/  (CAN BE SUB FOR A BAR)
50 Good Mornings
10 Handstand Push Ups
100 Double Unders

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, October 5th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, October 3rd


Perform 150 Wall Balls @20/14
At the top of each minute drop and do 4 Burpees
Try and complete the 150 wall balls as quickly as possible, start with the Burpees from the top.

After the 150 Wall Balls is complete you have exactly 7 Minutes to find your max Clean.
Can be a power clean or a squat clean, whichever you can do.
You should be able to get much more weight with your squat clean but that doesn’t apply to everyone.

Once you are done with the wall balls be sure to look at the clock and time yourself for the cleans

Lunge Challenge Day 3

Crossfit Syosset/ Tuesday, October 3rd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 2nd

Besides The Lunge challenge that started Yesterday October 1st, which was 25 Total Lunges and will continue until the 25th of October and will then become 50 Lunges from the 26th moving forward for 25 days.
Remember, Do the Lunge correctly.
Try and make a 90 degree angle with both knees as one kisses the ground and the other keeping your shin vertical to the ground.
This will get your legs and Ass like a Fucking Rock!!!!  Now Rock That shit!!!

I have another Challenge for some of you, unfortunately for some of you this challenge will be super duper Difficult!
Not because it’s a physically difficult challenge but a mental challenge.
Here it is:
I challenge all of you to perform each workout with the patience of a NUN and the Tenacity of a Lion.
Choose a weight you can handle, let me describe Handle (Handle is being able to perform a movement perfectly with precision, no bouncing or ballistic movements and with full range of motion)
After choosing a weight you CAN handle then force yourself to stay tight throughout each and every rep if you can’t stay tight you rest.  This will mean that in order for you to stay tight you may have to lower the weight, which is good!!!  If you’re reading this right now I’m probably crying with Joy !

So basically I would like to see you perform the workouts as quick and as heavy as you can with perfect form and full range of motion, if this means lowering the weight then be so.  I should see the movements much slower than previously done.
Just try it, each workout should be done without stopping for a long rest and being able to do with perfect form and perfect state of tightness.  Make sure you can stay tight with every rep, EVERY REP!


Overhead Squat
10 x 3
3 Reps every 60 seconds


15   Min Amrap
15   Cal Row
10   Double Kettlebell Push Jerk  (A weight you can handle to get 10 straight)
5     Bar Muscle Ups

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, October 2nd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, September 29th

Now that almost all the 10 lbs plates are destroyed lets talk a little physics.  Some of you may have slept through that class
If you drop a heavy piece of steel on a thin piece of rubber its most likely going to crush that piece of rubber or at the very least derange the actual shape of the rubber object.
In this case the rubber object happens to have a small cylinder inside it so it can fit on the bars, also in this case the heavy steel bars that came crashing down on the rubber object have totally forced the cylinder into another dimension causing the rubber object to be left all alone with no cylinder.
This isn’t good for the plates to be without a cylinder.  So lets’ try to take this little physics lesson and carry it into life situations and maybe we can decrease the amount of accidents we have… regarding the plates and in our daily lives.
I can’t imagine what would happen in other aspects of life without the knowledge of simple physics problems.


Bench Press
6 x 8

Every 90 seconds


Deadlift @185/115
Toes 2 Bar
Wall Ball  20/14
KB Snatch Each arm 55/35

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, September 29th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, September 28th

Alright, we’re starting something that I know all of the women will be sooooo Happy!
Starting On Sunday October 1st We’ll be starting a new challenge!
The Place:  Wherever You want
The Time:  Whenever You want
The Person:  YOU!

The Challenge:
25    Lunges for 25 Days
50    Lunges for 25 Days
75    Lunges for 25 Days
100  Lunges for 25 Days

This Challenge will assure all of you women an Ass like a Boulder and Legs like Steel, Fuck Buns of Steel!
We gonna have Buns of Lusciousness!!!

All the Lunges must be Full Lunges with your back knee hitting the ground (You can put something down to absorb the blow from your knee, which I recommend)
Make sure you keep your front shin vertical and a 90 degree angle between your front knee.


Clean and Jerk  @185/115
Complete 30 Reps Total
Do not try and kill yourself take your time and reset between reps, don’t just pull the bar off the ground with no consideration for your spine, take a deep breath in and tighten up before each rep


Row 500 x 4
Rest 3 Minutes
Sprint the 500 meters as fast as you can while maintaining good form.
Try and keep all four pieces around the same time, don’t blow yourself out of the water the first one and then can’t do anything else.
Keep your core tight for all pieces and use your legs to drive hard through the row

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, September 28th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, September 27th

What’s the most important piece of the workout that makes what we do so potent?
Yes, intensity.
How do we make sure we have intensity?
Yes, we move fast and push ourselves to lift as heavy as we can with maintaining proper form and full range of motion.
If one of those two important parts of our recipe for intensity starts to break down, we don’t go heavier we actually will lower the weight, right?
Well, this is where the problem arises.
You have to know your limitations.  If the weight is going to be too heavy that you are not able to complete the workout with proper form and full range of motion without killing yourself then just simply lower the weight!

Listen, as you know if you have done a good amount of wods already you know that the difficulty level is very much higher than a regular globo gym, but this is why it works so well.

Yes, we do need to keep adding weight if we want our bodies to feel as if they NEED to get better cause without that feeling of NEEDING to get better you won’t improve.  But there is a fine line between knowing when you can’t do something and when you can.
Trying to force yourself to do a heavier weight for whatever reason that maybe, is silly.

Know when you need to stop getting injured is the worse thing in the world to happen to an athlete that is trying to better themselves!
If you think it will make a difference using a much heavier weight in the workout, it will.   You’ll be needing a wheel chair home instead of your car.
Remember, I am saying don’t use a weight that YOU can’t control or a weight that YOU can’t stay tight with or a weight that
Just buries you every time you go to move it.
Be smart and lift for life, be stupid and it won’t last very long.


Back Squat

7 x 3
With 90 seconds rest


1.  20 on 10 off for 4 minutes
Pull ups
1 min rest

2.  20 on 10 off for 4 Minutes
Bike (cal)
1 Min rest

3.  20 on 10 off for 4 minutes
Ball Slams 20/10
1 Min rest

4.  20 on 10 off for 4 minutes


Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, September 27th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, September 25th

I often get asked questions regarding nutrition, what, when, how much to eat.
What eating program works the best, how long does it take to lose, etc…
What works the best?

YOU.  You, making the decision to stop eating poorly and start changing your life to start eating the right foods is what works.
Any type of eating well will elicit a change in your body but it’s not up to the food to make the change, its up to you to say
“I won’t be eating shit anymore, I don’t do it, I don’t eat shit!
Unit you make the decision to do this your life will never change.
Ask anyone in the gym or that you know that has made a change in their bodies and they will tell you that they struggled with weight till they made a decision to make the change.
It was until then that they finally started losing weight.
All the excuses in the world will not help you.  It takes a decision from you to do it.


Overhead Squat
5 x 5


6 Min Amrap
10 Deadlifts   @205/135
7   Hang Power Clean
5   Push Press

Rest 3 Min

6 Min Amrap
10  Deadlift @135/95
7    Hang power Clean
5    Push Press

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, September 25th Read More »

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