Daily WOD

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, July 12th


Front foot elevated split squat (use a 45lb plate for your front foot)
Using two heavy Dumbbells complete 5 reps ea. leg x 4 sets
After the lunges “L” hang till you drop (knees straight or bent)
Rest as needed between sets


AMRAP Ascending Ladder (with a Partner) in 12 minutes

2 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 1
2 Synchronized Burpees
2 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 2
2 Synchronized Burpees
4 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 1
4 Synchronized Burpees
4 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 2
4 Synchronized Burpees
6 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 1
6 Synchronized Burpees
6 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) – Partner 2
6 Synchronized Burpees

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Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 8th


Back Squat
20 reps @ 55% 1 rep max
The 20 reps are done consecutively without returning the bar to the rack.
You may rest with the bar on your back as for long as you need, just don’t return it to the rack.
We’ll be doing this for 8 week or so, you don’t need to go super heavy now, it’ll happen.
Just make sure you are focusing on your form and technique.


Row 1000
50 Thrusters @45/35
30 Pull ups

This workout is supposed to be a sprint.
Move as quickly as you can through all the movements without stopping.
If this means you need to lower the weight so you can keep moving, do that.

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, July 8th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, July 4th


5 Rounds For Time:
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)
1.5 mile run

There is a mile and a half run in this.
Normally we do D.T. by itself, which I prefer so you will know your true time.
You may prefer doing it differently which is not a problem at all.
Maybe you are not concerned with your time which again is not a problem.
If you prefer you can break up the run during D.T. like running 400 before, during, and after.
Then you would have your mile and a half
You can break it down into 800’s.
You can run after you’re done with the barbell.
Whatever the fuck you wanna do is fine, just get the run done.

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Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 3rd


Every :90 for 8 sets
Sets 1-4: Perform 2 Power Clean
Sets 5-8: Perform Behind the neck Split Jerk (2 reps)
Increase weight each set


Perform 8 sets (4 min) of each @:20 on :10 off for each exercise
1. Bike :20/:10 x 8
2. Push Press @75/55 lb. :20/:10 x 8
3. Air squat :20/:10 x 8
4. Strict Pull up :20/:10 x 8
5. Hollow rock or V-up :20/:10 x 8
Complete 4 minutes of each exercise before moving to the next.

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, July 3rd Read More »

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