Daily WOD

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, January 29th

So we finished all our Maxes, or at least we were supposed to finish them.  If you didn’t get to all of them try and make the ones up that you missed.
Also, you should have taken records of them whether it be in wodify, a notebook or whatever app you want to use.
If you want to use Wodify and you aren’t enrolled in it please let me know so we can sign you up.

For our next programming we are going to focus on our Olympic lifts.
Olympic lifting is the only movements that cover all 10 Fitness Components:
Speed, Strength, Stamina, Cardiovascular Endurance,  Power, Flexibility, Coordination, Agility, Accuracy and Balance
For this reason we’ll be focusing on improving our Oly Technique, working on good form, increasing our speed and improving our Snatch and Clean and jerk max.


High Bar Back Squat
5 x 3  @75% Max Back Squat

Clean Pull
perform 10 Reps
Increasing weight
Focus on your technique, don’t just rush through 12 reps

Perform all 5 work sets at the same weight all your warm up sets will be done before you start the 5 sets


Deadlift @ 50%
Wall Ball @20/14

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Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 26th

Alright, we had some good success with the Clean maxes.  I consider brushing up on your technique and improving your overall clean having success.
I don’t necessary mean that you have to get a new max.  I just love to hear “I got it”!
One thing you guys need to work on is You really need to get your receiving position better than were we are at now.
A lot of you guys are missing easy lifts because of your poor rack position, and by poor rack position I mean You  are receiving the bar with your elbows pointed towards the floor and the bar resting on your wrists instead of resting on your shoulders.
C’mon man!
Work on this shit and you’ll have it in no time!  Once you get your rack your max will skyrocket!
Don’t ignore me please!


If you missed anything do it today!


10 Rounds
1 Legless Rope Climb
3 Handstand Push ups  (strict)
6 Burpee
12 Swings @70/55

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 26th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, January 25th

Man!   So many of you guys Hit pr’s on your Snatch the other day.  I get so fucking pumped when you guys not only hit PR’s but just actually “Get” the movement.  Oly lifting is not easy, we don’t do it as much as you need to to get really good at it (which would be everyday) so when you guys figure it out it’s fucking awesome!
I can’t tell ya how much I love sitting there with you and working on a single lift over and over and achieving something in the end.  Even if it’s just You getting something you didn’t have before, that’s why I do what I do.

For those of you that didn’t get a PR, don’t fret.
This is why you need to write down what it is you are doing.  Think about it, if the last time you were testing your maxes you were eating perfect and sleeping well and now you’re eating like crap and working a lot not getting enough sleep this will play into it.
So, we’ll be finding our max Clean tomorrow I will be there all day tomorrow, (Thursday) if anyone wants to come and work on it get your ASS down there.  Either in a class or during open gym will work.
Let me know if you want to work on something and I’ll make sure I’m available.


Find your Max



Bike For Calories (you can either Row for Cal or wait till a bike opens up)
Thruster @135/95

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, January 25th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, January 24th

I know I’ve mentioned this before but it definitely deserves mentioning again.  If you have any kind of problems with flexibility, mobility, technique issues, back issues, neck issues, tendinitis, etc… You do not need to lift heavy weights to get a good workout.  If you need to lighten the weight, modify the movement, totally change the movement etc… Please do so.  Don’t try and kill yourself doing heavy weight with bad technique or forcing a movement with poor mobility.  I can guarantee you will eventually get injured Your body can’t keep compensating and stay healthy.
Take care of yourself or your body will not take care of you .


Row For Calories
Front Squat @ 50-60% max

Rest 5 minutes

60 Cal Row
50 Burpee Over Bar
40 GHD Sit ups
30 Hang Power Cleans @115/75
20 Overhead Squat @115/75

Crossfit Syosset/ Wednesday, January 24th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, January 22nd

Not sure about how you guys felt over the weekend but I felt like crap, think I had a bit of a cold along with myself Phil had one also.
If you are sick, your spouse is sick, your kids are sick, your in parents or in laws are sick or your pets are sick Please do not come to the gym unless you are recovered from your sickness.
If you just got sick, are in the middle of being sick or are at the end of being sick, please don’t risk handing off the sickness to everyone at the gym by coming into the gym while your still under quarantine.

Thank You


Split Jerk
1 Rep Max
You can do a Split Jerk or a push Jerk whichever you are more comfortable with.


Deadlift @275/155
Box Jumps @30/24
Toes 2 Bar

Crossfit Syosset/ Monday, January 22nd Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 19th


3 Sets total
Close Grip Bench Press  Till Failure
Skill Crushers Till Failure
Push up Till Failure

Complete Close Grip Bench Till failure, right away perform Skull Crushers till failure and then right into Push ups till failure
Close grip bench with a barbell, skull crushers with a dumbbell and push ups with your hands
For the three sets the weight stays the same on each exercise


For time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps

Thruster 95/65
Burpees (over the bar)

Crossfit Syosset/ Friday, January 19th Read More »

Crossfit Syosset/ Thursday, January 18th

This is funny, it’s Ronnie Coleman at his first powerlifting meet.  (Ronnie Coleman was Mr Olympia for years)
Listen to the guy yelling his name and light weight  when he goes he sounds like a real life Beavis.   Watch the Old man that lifts after him, he keeps yelling.


Overhead Squat
1 rep max


Row 500
10 Wall Balls @20/14
Rest 90 Seconds

Row 400
20 Wall Balls
Rest 90 Seconds

Row 300
30 Wall Balls
Rest 90 Seconds

Row 200
40 Wall Balls
Rest 90 Seconds

Row 100
50 Wall Balls
*****Sprint Each Rounds as Fast as You Can, you get rest after each round so try and move through it quickly*****



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